fuck off, I’m voting for Stein

I was going to write an essay on the subject of third-party voting, but I don’t have too much time or patience to waste on debunking fallacies and obfuscations propagated by liars and imbeciles. But in the spirit of Martin Luther and Karl Marx, here are a few theses on the topic: It’s perverse, to …

futile system

In 2008, I expected a lot of nasty shit to go down after Obama took office. I can’t say, however, that I could have anticipated that it would be the so-called liberals in Congress who would deal the final death blow to the dream of socialized medicine and real healthcare reform. To anyone who supports …

the year we make contact

So Poetariat has been silent for a while, but I guess Smokehouse is probably working, and I’ve been putting some effort into my own personal projects. When finished, said projects may or may not be the subject of a future post. I also have a variety of subjects I’ve been meaning to write about, but …


If this country’s news media were rational and not preoccupied with trifles, the ALL-CAPS front-page headlines every day would be the following: TOP 1% OWN MORE THAN 90% OF WEALTH MOST INCARCERATED SOCIETY IN THE WORLD: PRISON RAPE RAMPANT WAR OF AGGRESSION STILL GOING UNPUNISHED: WAR CRIMES INCLUDE CHILD RAPE, GENITAL TORTURE …and probably also …

feeding the trolls

Giving Barack Obama the Nobel Peace Prize is like giving Sarah Palin an award for her compassion toward rape victims.* Seriously, it’s Norway‘s biggest dick move since they forced Iceland to convert to Christianity. I think this would be a good time to recall the immortal words of ODIN: Give praise to the day at …